Nov 17, 2011

And I'm 15 Again

This morning my husband introduced me to Mac Miller...

...and something incredible happened - I was immediately transported back to high school, where I spent most of my time hanging out in my best friend's very awesome poster-covered bedroom listening to a combination of hip hop, grunge, and Bob Dylan. A time in my life when I had more freedom than I actually realized, with little obligation outside of my friends, part-time job, and dance. Aside from my mother's strict grip, each day was full of promise and anything truly could happen. At least that's how it appears to me now. Of course then there were many obstacles blocking my dreams, though somehow I think I've pulled through okay. That's why I love kids like this, so young and full of hope and energy and drive; an attitude that can be maintained through life but is just so strong when we're young. This post is going in a bit of a different direction than I intended, so let me finish it off with this... does he have mad style or what?! Oh nineties, it's so good to have you back.

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