Nov 3, 2011

Play Series : Hot Wheels

It may sound crazy but I really enjoy playing toys with my son. Being the oldest of 5, and the only girl, I didn't have massive amounts of Barbie's to play with, I had massive amounts of my brothers hot wheels. We spent hours building little towns and cities out of whatever materials we could find to create roads and landscape (usually lots of crayons and blankets for terrain) until I eventually requested my mom bring home a large appliance box that we could draw a permanent city on. Those moments were some of the best times I had with my brothers during play, letting our imaginations run with scenarios full of action and drama. My son loves hot wheels beyond most of his toys, and as I play with him in the afternoons I can nearly recall what it felt like to be so young and imaginative, with a feeling of contentment like no other. Which gets me to thinking about other toys on the market and what he might enjoy beyond the things he plays with now. His interests are changing at a rapid pace and I have to admit I may be just as excited as he is about the selection of toys out there, and just in time for the holidays.


  1. I just had a baby boy this summer. Posts like this make me hug my little guy just a little harder. I love being his mama.

    Love your blog.

  2. Thank you so much for your kind comment, and congrats on your new baby boy :) He's a lucky little guy.
    I really appreciate you reading my new blog and hope you stick around for awhile.

    ps - Fresh Air is my favorite program on NPR
